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Le Owner

"cos of Allah we still alive in this world."




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Sunday, November 23, 2014 • 7:05 AM • 0 comments


hahaha. 1911 memang dah lepas. time tu kan sekolah so tak dapat nak tulis so hari baru nak tulis. tahun lepas 1911 time cuti hari selasa dan aku menagis gila-gila punya. hahahaha. macam bodoh ja. actually aku memang tak nak ingat birthday aku bila tapi since syud wish awal seminggu aku jadi teringat dan aku ada buat satu list ni dari 1/9 hingga 2119 :)

1.11 there are only me
2.11 aku jenis yang memboringkan?
3.11 think others problem but my problem hurm.
4.11 i am lonely
5.11 trying to be perfectly fake
6.11 it work but make me sick
7.11 trying to find sahibah
8.11 people see me only if they had problem but i don't care but sometime i care
9.11 actually i am afraid to be alone
10.11 apa yang dorang nak dalam hidup aku
11.11 almost 8 month and i cry again
13.11 hate to live with people that never realize that there are many people love them
14.11 human can't live without friends
15.11 matahari tidak akan pernah malap melainkan kiamat
16.11 see the beauty scenery at night maybe for the last time. again cry
17.11 syaitan mengawal diri
18.11 wait the "HAPPY" day
19.11 at 12.00 o'clock they prank me and i feel it but my heart sick. again cry
20.11 thanks a lot for who wish sannah helwah to me. waiting the precious wish
21.11 i get the precious wish , hug and selfie
aku agak emo bila birthday nak dekat so sorry kalau ada yang terasa. 
p/s: sorry kalau english aku broken

 asif jiddan kalau ada buat salah sepanjang 15 tahun hidup :)


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